Friday, April 30, 2010
CABINET 2010-2011
The new cabinet elected for the academic session 2010-2011 took its oath on 30th April, 2010 promising to uphold Carmel ’s flag and its noble ideals. The ceremony started off with the entire Cabinet taking the stage brimming with enthusiasm and excitement. The School Pupil Leader Gultash Guron started the proceedings with a solemn promise of doing her best to make Carmel reach new heights in all spheres be it academics, sports, art, cultural activities or any other and invoked Mother Mary’s blessings. She was followed by the Assistant S.P.L. Amla Srivastava and all the other members of the cabinet. The Principal Sr.Swati then pinned on their badges and congratulated each girl heartily. She spoke a few inspiring words saying, ‘‘We have only one chance to walk down the path we are working in. The stage has been set for you. How you make a difference now depends on you. I wish you all the best.” The new cabinet seems set on putting in their heart and soul to fulfill their promises to the school and their fellow students. When asked an excited cabinet member Amla said, ‘‘I am delighted to have been appointed to this position of great responsibility. I fervently hope that I am able to live upto the confidence my teachers have shown in me.” This year the cabinet certainly seems to be charged up and ready to lead Carmel to greater heights.
-By Ankita Srivastava

The world today has become a fast -moving, technology-based place.This has changed the lives of the people in many big ways.But the smaller changes which are not that significant are the most touching!Imagine the joy a granddaughter used to feel when she would find a hand written letter from her grandfather in the letter-box.This was the scenario just fifteen years ago.And it is something that our generation can never experience!Because today it is considered old-fashioned and silly to send a letter which will probably reach a fortnight later.Why waste time!Just type out the message,click Send andVoila!your email reaches your loved one before you count to ten.However one virus and all those typed electronic messages are gone forever.The hand written letters are treasured and preserved for the generations to come.They are much more personal and precious when you can hold a piece of paper over which the pen of your long- lost relative once moved.The emails are nothing more than dull,lifeless black words on a white screen which you read once and never spare a thought for again till the day they are lost beyond recovery.Bring back the letters,bring back the love!
-By Ankita Srivastava

I studied in Germany for two years. And when I came back I was struck by the harsh differences in the education imparted by these two countries. I remember my first day there, when my teacher took us out in pairs and taught us how to cross a road. We then went on to a nearby forest where we picked acorns as part of our nature class. I returned home amazed to find that a school day could be so enjoyable. The days flew by in a jiffy while I visited the municipal corporation, went to church to listen to the choir and went to a nearby ground on a sunny day to collect wild flowers! For Maths homework, the teacher used to say that we had to spend only ten minutes with our books and do as many sums as we could in that time. Some could do two, others five. But the teachers got to know each child's individual ability. We would listen to audio tapes of nature sounds where we were supposed to identify the different seasons! Even though those two years were the happiest school days of my life, some teachers were of the opinion that Indian and other foreign students were much more hard working than the students there, probably because they were used to it. The German children became so used to the easy lifestyle that when the time came for serious study they could not adapt to the workload. Here the students are assessed according to the number of hours they put in cramming facts while there the assessment is according to what they put into those hours. Thankfully our education system is changing for the better as the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) being introduced in schools is a good mix of Indian and European techniques involving hard work and fun. This system will hopefully make school life for students what it should be - enjoyable years of fruitful learning!
-By Ankita Srivastava

Food is the most significant symbol of a country. It is a notable fact that almost every country on Earth has its own extraordinary and exceptional cuisine. The tradition and rituals of a country have an effect on the genre of food. The cuisine reflects the lifestyle of the people.
One of the most prominent cuisines of the world, is the American cuisine. The food eaten by the Americans has always been the object of criticism, as it is unhealthy and calorie-laden. The deep fried burgers along with the ready-made drinks like beer make the American cuisine universal.
The aromatic Italian food with its distinctive herb fragrances is considered the ancestor of fine culinary art. Italian pizza, pasta and wine are always in limelight.
Indian cuisine is one of the oldest and most diverse cuisine in the world. Its rich and unique flavours are emerging in the world.
The location of Thailand has a great bearing on it's cuisine. Thai cuisine has many food products with fish and other marine animals. Seasonings of coconut milk, pineapples and citrus plants make it exclusive.
Ancient civilization of Aztecs and Mayas used to feed on Mexican cuisine. It is based on the assortment of products like maize, avocado and pumpkins. Mexican tequila, tacos, burritos, tortillas and fajitas are very sought after.
Food is God's gift to humanity and each cuisine in this world satisfies our taste buds.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

By following the traffic rules, there is no jeopardy.
Persisting with the noble endeavor of removing the economic divide, for the underprivileged, Ms. Puniita Singh organized a seminar for the students of Government Middle School, Sec-52 Kajeri educating them about the traffic rules. A group of 160 students reached the Traffic park, Sec-23, with transport facilities organized by the NGO – SAATHI.
Ranbir Singh, an official at the Traffic Park gave an informative and interactive lecture, followed by awareness videos directed by Mr.Jaspal Bhatti. Mr. Ranbir stated, “The initiative of educating these children about the traffic rules is admirable. It is imperative for the young children to know all the traffic rules, as the number of accidents taking place in Chandigarh is on the increase. Tools and machinery can be repaired but our lives cannot.”
The children gave an eager response and appreciated the NGO’s efforts. They were given souvenirs, which would remind them of the safety rules.
Inspector Prem Singh Dalal, said, “Hope that Saathi keeps carrying on the great work. Youngsters are the most likely victims of the accidents, they don’t wear helmets or seat belts which cost them their lives .After today, I hope these students will follow the Traffic rules.”
So, when you drive safely, you arrive safely.
Better late than never….
Saina : How do you feel being the prnciple of carmel convent school?
Sister : it makes me feel no difference .it makes me feel proud .i am happy to serve carmel.
Fiza : what is your vision for our school?
Sister : my vision is to make children happy and make them bloom in what ever capacity they posses.I wish to get support from the school committee and to render my support.
Jaisha: How do you feel about the creation of the carmel band?
Sister : i feel very proud.when i do any thing i do my best, and rest i leave to the day to come.When you do anything with 100% effort the results are always in your favour.
Saina : can you tell us briefly about your childhood journey to being the principle of carmel?
Sister : My teaching career started in 1987.i teached 2 years in Goa,3-4 years in gujrat and 4 years in jammu-jammu was the best experience.whenever i talked to people they phrased "you should be a principle ; we expect you to came back as a principle".
Fiza : what do you think is lacking in the carmelites?
Sister :no ...nothing is lacking that way . everything is provided in carmel.But i sometimes feel integrating that what we learn and teach in the school , we dont see it being practiced.
Fiza : How do you feel about the discipline of our school?How do you think can you change it?
Sister : Well it is my feeling....that from the day I have come the discipline has improved alot.
Prerita : what are your expectations from us?
Sister : As students i expect you to be children of prayer, because carmel represents prayer.I want the students to stop their bad habits like using foul language and bullying,etc.
Fiza : what do you want the future of carmelites to be?
Sister : School should excel in quality not in quantity.Whatever we do we should put in our best .Multiplying children is not necessary but the quality we bring out is .
Jaisha : What does carmel mean to you?
Sister : to me carmel means prayer.
Saina : You have often pointed out in these past years about our uniforms and flicks being inappropriate , what do you think about it now?
Sister :What i dont like is that the girls are altering your tunics with your own taste. Its not like that i want the student to make 2 plaates and apply oil but i just want hair to be neatly tied.
Prerita : As the news travels fast ,there were rumours that our dress code would be changed into that true?
Sister : As long as your uniform is neat it should not come to your worries.......and anyway changing uniform requires little time.
Saina : What are your views about the CCE System currenty in 9th and 10th?
Sister : Im very happy about it,i feel that children are getting more opportunities and i specifically feel that cce system should be alloted to every class from middle school,that way everyone will participate in the upcoming events.
Saina and fiza : how do you feel about the upcoming clubs like reporters club,photograph club,ngo,etc.....??
Sister : to be frank i feel the oppportunities are only given to very few students and by increasing the number of clubs every student can participate one way or another.i just love children and want to do what is best for them.
Saina:since you are such an inspiration,who was your first inspiration i mean your role model?
Sister: well i remember my class teacher of 2nd class.he teached me many values with love though he was strict he was very affectionate.he was my inspiration. that's what i wish to give you.i want you to do the best.
-interview taken by Prerita Nandwani,Saina Kohli,Fiza Gupta and Jaisha Garg
Sr.Maria Christi's journey in carmel began from feeling nervous to feeling confident to feeling proud.nervos-as her carmelites would inovate,confident-as her carmelites became ambitious and proud-as her carmelites acheived their goals .
Her journey is now at a standstill of depression.depression-of leaving carmel convent school chandigarh, after 7 years being Carmel's principle.
In an attempt to expose the gratitude carmel feels towards her,Carmelites today on 26th april presented her with a memorable farewell.
The program began from a welcoming speech followed by a power point presentation which exhibited her unforgettable stay at carmel as a principle.
Class 12th then harmonized the song "climb" representing the ache carmel feels on sr.maria christi's leaving. the song was followed by an entertaining rajasthani dance and a hym by class 10th on the lyrics of "i haple you dance".
to participate in sister's farewell the little ones dramatized a play on different type of vessels thus naming sister Maria Christi the "vessel of god".
During the farewell carmelities held out their designed banners calling"sister dont go".
In the end sister Maria christi said that she was confident of the future of carmelities and that she woudnt be what she is today if it was not for all the sisters that helped her make carmel a better place,but even with her brave show she couldnt hide her tears from us.
Mrs .mala said"she has done so much for our school we will really miss her "
Acording to Mrs.manju "it was very emotional,every item in the farewell was the best and every item gave a message"
Mrs.amrita and Mrs madhu said "its very touchy,its like missing a mother and looking for another"
Mrs anurita commented"I had a short tenure of 1 year with her but she inspired me the best.she's my role model"
Mrs vandita kapoor said"Sr.Maria Christi is endured with exsiquite quality of knowing you silently."
Wherever her life may lead her Sr.Maria Christi was,is,and will always be with us.

Depression is a disease that afflicts the human psyche in such a way that the afflicted tends to act and react abnormally toward others and themselves. Depression in the adoloscents is greatly underdiagnosed and leads to serious difficulties in school, work and personal adjustment, which may often continue into adulthood. It is often described as "an exaggeration of the duration and intensity of normal mood changes" .
Key indicators of adolescent depression include a drastic change in eating and sleeping patterns, significant loss of interest in previous activity interests , constant boredom , disruptive behavior, peer problems, increased irritability and aggression . For many teens, symptoms of depression are directly related to low self -esteem stemming from increased emphasis on peer popularityor getting into relationships before their ages. For other teens, depression arises from poor family relations, which could include decreased family support and perceived rejection by parents .
Depression can lead to suicide.Antidepressants are used to treat people with depression. Antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children and teens. Sometimes we teens sometimes grow sucidal.
Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 to 19 than cardiovascular disease or cancer .
Among children, the highest percentage of users was seen in girls and boys ages 15-18. More than 6% of the girls in this age group used antidepressants, as did 4.2% of the boys. If these figures were extrapolated to the entire pediatric population, it would mean that one of every 16 high-school-age girls and one of every 23 high-school-age boys in a country were taking some type of antidepressant.
Until recently, adolescent depression has been largely ignored by health professionals, but now several means of diagnosis and treatment exist. "Although most teenagers can successfully climb the mountain of emotional and psychological obstacles that lie in their paths, there are some who find themselves overwhelmed and full of stress.".With the help of teachers, school counselors, mental health professionals, parents, and other caring adults, the severity of a teen's depression can not only be accurately evaluated, but plans can be made to improve his or her well-being and ability to fully engage life .
By: Prerna Sharma and Fiza Gupta
“Goodbyes are not forever,
Goodbyes are not the end,
They simply mean I’ll miss you,
Until we meet again.”
It was heartbreaking when we heard that Sr. Maria Christie, our beloved principal would be leaving us soon. Earlier we just thought it was a rumour but yesterday all the students and teachers bade adieus to her. Yes, it is true! Principal Sr. Maria Christie will be saying goodbye to the school she has called home for the last 7 years. As she recalled her experience she said that, past in 2003 she came to the city beautiful and entered the school with a slight fear in mind as to how will she work here. But she found God on her side encouraging her to put her fears aside and persuading her to enter into this new world.
Sister recollects her experience in
Sister Maria Christi lovingly nurtured the greens and it was in her time that the pharmaceutical garden was developed. All the decisions taken by her were with ease and clarity which were carried out meticulously. She was a charismatic and energetic principal who never let down the students and helped them in every possible way. From a small bruise to a big achievement, sister always presented us sweets. As she leaves us, she is leaving as a satisfied person and has no regrets at all.
She had worked for 2 yrs in Himachal, 3yrs in Goa and then 7 yrs in
Her final message to all the Carmelites- “ Be simple as that is what makes Carmel girls special and always live up to the motto of in ‘God we Trust’”
We know that the world is round and we may meet Sister again, someday or the other. Let’s hope for the Best!!
cosmetic surgeies- saina kohli

Plastic/cosmetic surgery for "beautification" is a result of our materialistic and image reinforced society to what society chooses to be "beautiful" Even smiles are beginning to look as though they have come off of production lines. Teeth are bleached and perfectly even. cosmetic standards are rising to a level that exceeds good sense. As a result, it lowers our self-esteem, since we are trying to "become" what is accepted as beautiful.
People considering plastic surgery should be informed of all the risks. They should not be concerned with trying to live up to society's standards and by the price of the operations. They should most be concerned with the real price, their lives!.

One of the world's oldest democracy and highly esteemed nation is ready for a variation. 10 Downing Street is ready for a newfound owner.
With the vital date of 6th May 2010 just around the corner,the British are ready to make a choice. Gordon Brown,David Cameron and Nick Clegg are gearing to take power over the House of Commons.
The Labour Party this time led by Gordon Brown is aiming to secure a fourth consecutive term in office,but the latter will face a nasty competition from the Conservative Party,who hope to regain the same dominant position in UK politics as in the 1990's with David Cameron as their front runner. Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats hopes to make inroads into the mandates of both the sides.
The leading Labour Party believes that a lot can be achieved by the strength of common endeavour.They claim themselves as a "Democratic Socialist Party" and promote living together in the spirit of solidarity,tolerance and respect. On the other hand,the Conservative Party is offering rebuttal by promoting a VOTE FOR CHANGE. They are bullish on getting the sluggish British economy moving and hope to raise standards in the schools. The Liberal Democrats promise to build a FAIRER BRITAIN. They are the only party promising to deliver positive changes in the environment.
Britain is gearing up for a three-legged race instead of a two-pole playoff.
A tough competition awaits the trio, even as the whole World waits with

It has transcended enough to give man’s best friend the back bench. People are splurging money in thousands to buy the new cell phone in town, whereas there is no psychiatrist in the world like a dog licking your face.
Money will buy you a cell phone that might entertain you for a while but will take a toll on your health, it may make you feel satisfied with your success but if you really want to feel rich then just count the things that money can’t buy. So no matter how little money you own or lack the new technologies, having a dog will make you rich. So let us pay attention to the things that matter in life than the things that would make us popular in high – school !!!!

The Earth is degrading at a tremendous speed, Mother Earth is threatening her own children. Carmelites cannot sit back and let this happen.
Carmel Convent School,Chandigarh is making a great effort to put the green foot forward. 22nd April, marked as World Earth Day was celebrated by the latter as an effort to save Mother Earth.
The Primary school students carried out a procession to create awareness among the Chandigarhites. Tiny-tot, Arni was promoting water conservation saying, "A bottle of water that we throw,could help a plant grow."
One of the teachers, accompanying the students in the rally, Ms.Chandarvati stated,"This day is very important and is a vital one for each human being. I am educating the students about the do's and dont's for preserving nature."
Interactive sessions and competitions were held throughout the day, students eagerly made posters,slogans and masks. Saplings were planted on the campus ground.
Ananya, a class X student said, "We are destroying our own home, it is the duty of each responsible citizen to contribute in preserving it." Offering solutions, a teacher Ms.Esha said, "If we want to benefit the Earth, we can grow more trees, save water, cover small distances by foot instead of travelling in vehicles."
Acting fast will be our last hope of avoiding disaster. Sr.Maria Christie, Principal of Carmel Convent School commented, "We should treat each day as Earth Day, our efforts to save Mother Earth should be on a regular basis." So SAVE the Earth or GRAVE the Earth, the choice is ours....
Monday, April 26, 2010
Books our Best Friends

“Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.”
Celebrated on 23rd of April, World Book Day seeks to promote reading amongst the youngsters and to gain a renewed respect for the irreplaceable contributions of those who have furthered the social and cultural progress of humanity. 23rd April is also considered as a symbolic date in world literature as on this date in the year of 1616 died Shakespeare- whose writing contained more actual wisdom than the whole body of English learning. This coincidently happens to be his birth anniversary as well.
To commemorate this event the British Library, Sector-9
The chief guest Mrs. Sumita Mishra honoured the prize distribution ceremony with her noble ideas. She said that books are works of art and science and vehicles for ideas. They magnificently materialize creative diversity, generate universal knowledge and contribute inter cultural dialogue.
“Books improve our knowledge about others and of their philosophies and therefore enhance our understanding of the world. They also provide development opportunities for all ages and in particular for young people.” said a parent present at the event.
Every Day should be the Earth Day

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the earth’s environment. Celebrated on 22nd April it is a day devoted to show our gratitude towards earth. This day aims at growing eco-activism among the people and specially the children.