Saturday, December 12, 2009


By – Sachi Singhal
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society, Chandigarh, with the hardcore determination and philanthropic efforts of Gen. Dr. Rodriguez (Governor of Punjab), and Mr. Ram Niwas (Home Secretary, Chandigarh), hence by gave way to their brain child, the partnership initiative programme, providing education to 9000 under deprived children across the city.
On the formal meet of all the involved NGOs of the respective AIE centres (Alternative Innovative Education centres) this Tuesday, Mr. Ram Niwas and Gen. Dr. Rodriguez interacted with them, proceeding over the various concerned issues, the needs and demands, the progress, etc. A very dedicated and jolly natured man, Mr. Niwas told us about how they cover regular medical check ups, adequate clothing for all, actually tasty mid day meals, among many other things for these children, fitting them in their network of more than 200 concerned NGOs.
In his speech, he also stated that,” The first time he saw these kids, one of them had dirt smeared on his face, some hadn’t bathed for a week, and many hadn’t seen the face of a meal in ages.” But as we looked at the students studying sincerely, wishing us a very pleasant good afternoon, and looking like well behaved, normal school children, we were left wondering if that is actually possible… But yes, where there is a will there is a way, and both our respected governor and home secretary are living examples of this saying.
In his speech, Gen. Dr. Rodriguez, showing us the real side of our City Beautiful, related that, “No amount of rituals will make you a divine or a holy person, only doing good deeds will do so. And this society can be made better by just giving an hour or so of your week in serving the needy, donating all you don’t need but is in a good condition, and helping us in smooth and efficient functioning of these activities. And all those who have problems, bring them to us, and we’ll find solutions for them. Its our responsibility to give back the society more than what we have taken from it, and that’s what will make us a better human being.”
After these immensely passionate but at the same time completely truthful speeches, we moved towards departing, when we met an ailing lady who had come from all the way to Jammu to make the completion of her daughter’s education possible, whose situation greatly moved us, and we have made arrangements for providing her daughter with proper education as well as secure lodgings. With tears full of gratitude, she was very thankful and went back home with a happy heart and a content mind.
This experience actually touched our hearts and left us wondering about all the other ailing people in the society, and how we could be of help to them.
This function made us aware, about the ugly and ignorant side of the City Beautiful, about the determination of our leaders to make it better and how we are to become a part of this beautiful organization.:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


By - Sachi Singhal
Bells ringing, bhajans blasting from enormous speakers, ladies singing all night, ending with a lavish 5 course meal for 200 odd people, who are there just to have free food….No this is not a festival scenario, but a scene straight out of the jagraata organized by Mrs. A, who has kept this to “please” God, by singing out His praises all night, and giving modest donations to the main singers, namely “Rama company and Co. – we make a jagraata unforgettable.”
Don’t we see such scenarios every other day, where fat wealthy ladies like to splash money in order to “please” god all the offerings and those off-tune bhajans ... making herself a public nuisance, as their neighbor’s daughter has an entrance exam tomorrow, and cannot study, and no car can pass that street, because it has been thoroughly encroached upon my the tent company – we provide tents for all jagraatas…
And there you are left wondering… Isn’t spirituality supposed to come from within…??
What happened to those people who used to meditate and pray sincerely every night, thanking Him for each day as it comes by. Have they been replaced by these show offs, who believe singing on blaring loudspeakers is holy, where as helping a poor child get food is just so “low class”…???
Holiness is a feeling, a divine pure feeling of serenity and security , which cannot be achieved through these bhajans and jagraatas, but instead come from WITHIN…
Being kind to the needy, helping those in distress, putting those going off track right back on the track, these philanthropic deeds will actually give rise to those positive serene feelings, not littering the land after hefty jagraata and bragging about just how holy and pure hearted creature you are, while running your car over a stray dog.
Be good, be honest, live your life well, and just enjoy each and every moment innocently…God could never be more pleased with you

Sunday, December 6, 2009


By Mannat Sibal

On 8th November 2009, 26 Carmelites and 23 Johnians assembled and actively participated in the first simulation of the JTP MUN’09 at the St. Johns High School, Chandigarh.
The programme kicked off with lobbing where everyone according to their committee formed blocs and alleys after which the committee started. The ECOSOC Executive Board comprised of Abhivyakti Saxena The Chair followed by Deeksha Bhardwaj the Scenario Director while Karan Singh directed the committee and Aseem Goel was the Rapporteur.
The delegates enjoyed a great esteem of knowledge as well as fun. MUN taught us to be self-confident and it brought out the best that was lying within. The delegates have got so deep with MUN that now our countries have become our identities. The delegate of Pakistan (Vardaan Arora) stated his opinion, “JTP was like living a dream, even though it went a little rough in the middle but it is still something great!”. The committee did have it s ups n downs but it ended up with a light and an informal session. I the delegate of Australia cherish each and every moment spent in the MUN and I love to recall all the Point on the Floor, The Resolutions the Unmoderated Caucuses, Personal Privileges etc.
MUN is about fun, friendship, jumping on the benches to be heard….. But not only is this it something to learn from…….. It is something MESMERIZING, KNOWLEDGEABLE and SERENE..:)