Reported by: Ekakshra Mahajan
The 22nd of April was widely celebrated as ‘World Earth Day’ especially in educational institutions nationally and globally. The idea was conceived in 1969 by Gaylord Nelson, a U.S Senator from Wisconsin and was accepted as one of the most powerful ideas of the era. It became very popular, drawing 20 million people in the first year (1970) itself. Yet, 39 years since the first Earth day was celebrated, it is disturbing to think that the forests continue to deplete and Global Warming is even more prevalent.
Earth Day was celebrated in Carmel Convent School with joy, hope and zeal. The programme initiated with a prayer praising the creations of almighty God and asking him to protect Mother Earth and bless the students and staff to help succeed in their endevour to conserve the environment. A video, ‘Inconvenient truth’ was played alongside depicting the beauty of the benign Earth, the most priceless gift of Nature and what human beings have made of it to satisfy their greed. As Fredreich Nietzche says,” The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases, one of its diseases is called man.”
The students were given tips on conserving the environment and the use of plastic bags was discouraged, highlighting the repercussions of using the same. They were advised to use car pools, use CFL lights and follow the policy of ‘Recycle, Reduce and Reuse.’ The children were encouraged to undertake the responsibility of being custodians of this Earth and safeguard the planet thereby doing their bit for the environment. The message that ‘Every day is Earth day’ was conveyed to the audience by Sister Swati, the Vice- Principal of the school.
The trailer of the Walt Disney film, ‘Earth’ was played and children were encouraged to watch it in cinemas as a tree would be planted for every ticket sold.
Students of the secondary classes, inspired, decided to become torchbearers of the environmental campaign and therefore held the Face painting activity to exhibit their conviction with their faces painted to illustrate The Earth, The Greenhouse effect etc.
Followed by the programme was a poster making and slogan writing competition for the primary classes.
As Marshall McLuhan says
“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all the crew!”