- By Sachi Singhal and Meghna Bhasin
It is everyone’s hope to be able to do charity work and some good to the society, but, on the 17th of December, 2009, this hope was turned into reality.
Under Carmel Convent’s initiative, an NGO, or as we proudly say ‘our’ NGO, namely Saathi was inaugurated in Government Model High School – 52 on the 17th of December, 2009 by his Excellency Gov. Gen. S.F. Rodriguez and Home Secretary Mr. Ram Niwas.
The average man is on the whole content and also blissfully ignorant of the strife of those who are not as fortunate as himself. However, it is the society’s responsibility, our responsibility to uplift them.
This is where Saathi comes into action. This NGO is special because it is by the students, for other students and completely comprises of students. We aim to send these 300 students under our care into mainstream schooling, where they can have an equal opportunity to display their talents and complete their education at a level which fully matches that of the more privileged.
The first task that came into our hands was collecting a stunning amount of Rs. 45,000 which would be utilized to buy the required sweaters for the students under our care. Within two days, we crossed our benchmark with the help of all our generous contributors.
Also, organizing a whole inaugurating function was no piece of cake, but under Punita Ma’am’s guidance, we, as First Lady Jean Rodriguez kindly quoted, pulled off the show spectacularly. Both the Governor and the Home Secretary provided us with food for thought through their insightful and encouraging speeches.
Cheenat, a member of Saathi shares his experience with us, saying, “Looking at the delighted smiles of all the kids was a reward in itself!”
Saathi is now an integrated part of our lives. This is not a pass time, it is a mission, a responsibility and this is just the start.