Yes, this independence day this slogan was more popular than its original version.Wondering why ....then read what the gen next had to say about thier MOTHER TONGUE(now only on their mother's tongue.)Dhuvan from SD college says,"I am more comfortable with English...even in school I had major problems with hindi."On the other hand Smita from PU says ,"hindi is my language...I am anyday more "comfy" with it.Shruti,from MCM says,"hindi is a language I have no clue about."Stammering while speaking hindi or making some basic grammatical errors while using our matra bhasha is the new fad amongst "youngistaanis".but if this is in then i am definitely, totally and certainly out.using words as a weapon and being cool as an obsession ppl today are brutally attacking and mercilessly killing this language.Shivangi Gulati,an alumnus from our school and currently in pu says,"for me "hinglish " is the way to go since i am comfortable with both the languages.But sorry to disappoint you my friend, hindi is now just a nominal mother tongue.with something as wannabe'ish as "funky boys" or "cool chics" written on the bonnet of their cars the future of our country proudly declares-i don't like "the" hindi... i like "the" english........ya right............we all laugh it off but today lets introspect, today lets rationalize, where are we heading.we don't respect our language but still shout out "jai hind" and "vande matram".why this confusion ?why this contradiction?introspect, rationalize........Neha Bakshi ,from pu says,"we try to emulate "firangis " in everything -their accent with the rolling Rs was just the beginning".she further added,"there was a time when rajma chawal was the favourite but now sushi is the thing..even if the cuisine doesn't satisfy your taste buds..why is the question".col.sanjiv bakshi said,"not being comfortable in their shoes is just a reflection of their insecurity ,unconfidence and unsurity."a 19 yr old from pu says,"hindi is so not my language.english is the way to go.it is my mother tongueyes english has more value on a global platform but in our quest of mastering thi language ,english has become an obsession ,an addiction.ppl or the youngsters today are giving weightage to anything that is english and ignoring anything that in some way or the other is hindi.LO BEHOLD! fab india is the craze & khadi bhandhars are dying a natural death,a legacy started by the father of the nation....Rachit from pu says,"lets be us yaar, yes lets be hindustaani."adding to that thought ,lets be Indians ,lets live upto our pehchan (i mean i-d-e-n-t-i-t-y).hightime we get back to the reality, get back to our roots and not be floaters.lets live up to the saying "Mera Bharata Mahaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Yes, this independence day this slogan was more popular than its original version.Wondering why ....then read what the gen next had to say about thier MOTHER TONGUE(now only on their mother's tongue.)Dhuvan from SD college says,"I am more comfortable with English...even in school I had major problems with hindi."On the other hand Smita from PU says ,"hindi is my language...I am anyday more "comfy" with it.Shruti,from MCM says,"hindi is a language I have no clue about."Stammering while speaking hindi or making some basic grammatical errors while using our matra bhasha is the new fad amongst "youngistaanis".but if this is in then i am definitely, totally and certainly out.using words as a weapon and being cool as an obsession ppl today are brutally attacking and mercilessly killing this language.Shivangi Gulati,an alumnus from our school and currently in pu says,"for me "hinglish " is the way to go since i am comfortable with both the languages.But sorry to disappoint you my friend, hindi is now just a nominal mother tongue.with something as wannabe'ish as "funky boys" or "cool chics" written on the bonnet of their cars the future of our country proudly declares-i don't like "the" hindi... i like "the" english........ya right............we all laugh it off but today lets introspect, today lets rationalize, where are we heading.we don't respect our language but still shout out "jai hind" and "vande matram".why this confusion ?why this contradiction?introspect, rationalize........Neha Bakshi ,from pu says,"we try to emulate "firangis " in everything -their accent with the rolling Rs was just the beginning".she further added,"there was a time when rajma chawal was the favourite but now sushi is the thing..even if the cuisine doesn't satisfy your taste buds..why is the question".col.sanjiv bakshi said,"not being comfortable in their shoes is just a reflection of their insecurity ,unconfidence and unsurity."a 19 yr old from pu says,"hindi is so not my language.english is the way to go.it is my mother tongueyes english has more value on a global platform but in our quest of mastering thi language ,english has become an obsession ,an addiction.ppl or the youngsters today are giving weightage to anything that is english and ignoring anything that in some way or the other is hindi.LO BEHOLD! fab india is the craze & khadi bhandhars are dying a natural death,a legacy started by the father of the nation....Rachit from pu says,"lets be us yaar, yes lets be hindustaani."adding to that thought ,lets be Indians ,lets live upto our pehchan (i mean i-d-e-n-t-i-t-y).hightime we get back to the reality, get back to our roots and not be floaters.lets live up to the saying "Mera Bharata Mahaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"