Always one to encourage participation in sports ,our Principal Sr.Swati along with the school cabinet organized an Inter-Squad Basketball Match on Friday,30th July.The match was held between Satya and Namrata who had started rigorous practice weeks in advance.The teams comprised students ranging from class 8 to class 12 who all displayed strong teamspirit.The match started at 9:15 A.M. with students of the participating squads enthusiastically cheering on the players.After a fierce game with tensions rising high the Namrata squad emerged victorious with the score 28-5.Roopam Attari of class10 scored the most baskets with 10 points to her credit.Sister Swati also came out on the field to encourage the players.Amla Srivastava,one of the organizers had to say,"It was a very exciting game and I really enjoyed organizing the event."A spectator Sehaj of class 9 said,"I was supporting Namrata so I am very happy with the outcome.They played so well, I was on my feet the entire time as the match was such a thrilling one!" It was a wonderful event and all the students went back glad and rejuvenated!
Ankita Srivastava