After a long wait we got a golden opportunity to meet Mr. Vipin Pubby the Chief editor of THE INDIAN EXPRESS.
It was the end of the Golden Jubilee Year when we the reporters met Mr. Pubby. We grabbed a lot of information from him about the working of the press. I eagerly asked him, “How do you get so much information in so less time?? And how do you form the report before the time granted to you? As you could be having 4 situations at one time!!” to his reply he said, “The reporters have to be very agile and have to manage their time accordingly as mentioned above their might be 4 situations in the line but we have quite a few reporters who tackle the situation. Even if there are only one or one , they have to manage their time and complete their report and send it for printing”.
As all of us had different questions one of the reporters asked him, “What if you face a problem that there is something more important which has come up and that news has to be put up un tomorrows paper but the papers have already gone for printing?”. Mr. Pubby replied, “ if something of that sort happens we immediately stop the printing and reform the layout again and if we do stop the printing it would be only if the news has to be at the front page or it would be making the headline” i added, “is it so easy to stop the printing and just start all over again?” “Yes it is easy because printing just takes about 1 or 2 hours.” He clarified.
After this very interactive and educational session we all thanked Mr. Vipin Pubby for helping us clear our doubts. In very little time we grabbed so much from him that we respect all the journalists of the country who put themselves in an situation in which we normal people would never want to be.