Our life is a frenzy of emotions and to add to our daily tensions of surviving in this competent world are the ever hyping news channels of today. Yes friends, I undoubtedly am talking about the Hindi news channels of INDIA. Any small occurrence is the 'big thing' for them. When in an endeavor to scare people they are at their best. Even in news channels dramatism is the talk of the town. Dramatizing the news in order to gain the uppermost position on the TRP charts is the need of the hour. But in this process, are the news channels showing the real content on their channels? Or they are just creating their own sensational lines for feeding their 24 hour slot! In the process of the dramatization, one cannot dilute the essence of the news. This mantra needs to be enunciated clearly amongst the producers who today desire nothing but popularity.The sensitivity no longer prevails in the news. It seems that they could go to any extent to achieve the maximum eye balls at TRP. Every news channel airs every piece of news – they consider important - for 48 hours and that's to say for the whole day forgetting to look at any other news; as if nothing else important thing was happening in the world other then that.As such to gain those eyeballs new methods are being brought into practice. Dramatization has become a part of our news crunch. The news nowadays has become like a thriller episode of an action movie. All the news channels are trying to do is sell their stories by exaggerating the unnecessary details and in this process, over hyping the entire news.Every other day, a new news channel is been launched. Although on the positive side this increases the competency in the news channels thus, promising better news. On the negative side it adds another drama tv to our television further deteriorating the quality of the already diluted news.Freshness is always welcomed in life. With elapsing times things do change for the betterment. But too many experiments are not always healthy. We can only hope that our news channels don't forget their basics. The entertainment channels are enough to give the daily dose of drama to the audiences and thus there is no need at all for the news channels to follow their example. Sensationalizing news doesn't mean that we forget the news piece itself. So friends stay tuned. 'MILTE HAIN, EK BREAK KE BAAD.