by: Kashish Madan
Peace day-2 minutes silence and then back to the hustle bustle of daily life ,
but have we really thought about peace,looked for peace,experienced peace.
peace is not just a word, it is a feeling,it is transcending all that which
fills our mind.peace is not something that can be bought or experienced just
like that,it is something that has to be attained. At the end of this journey
we call life,we may or may not have attained peace but if once we have experienced
it we have lived a lifetime. Peace is not absence of war or presence of friendship,
it is that strange calm that settles before a storm,it is that feeling of bliss that
permeates through us on reclaiming a lost loved one,it is the smile of an innocent
child,it is the love we see in the eyes of someone we care for. Peace can make war
seem like an obligation to be fulfilled,hatred a chance to make someone experience
love;sadness an opportunity to make someone happy.
Peace at the end of the day, is not something 2 minutes silence can bring,it is that calm within and if even a few people can truly experience peace then we humans will have learnt the meaning of PEACE WITHIN............