The female is an ignored spiecie in our male dominated society which still practices gender bias.There is an apparent discrimtionin the upbringing and eduction of the girls in the rural areas,middle and lower classes of the society.This is all due to our old traditional customs, values and ethos of the society which do not encourage women to contest against men and come out victorious,also the harassment of working women resuts from the dominant position of the male bullies and the fear of economic insecurity of the female workers.
From the starting of birth the only sufferer is the female.Most of the people of the country consider the birth of a girl as a sin commited in their previous lives for which they are paying now.In our male dominated society , female education is relegatted to the back ground and all the family funds and resources are lanished on the upbringing and education of the sons.
As someone pointed out "if we educte a boy we educate a person , on the other hand if we educate a girl we educate a family." Some conservative section of the society regard women as weak and inferior to men and hence unsuitable for outdoor work .These people are highly mistaken.In now days , modern women are fully equipped with education , expertise, confidence,self esteem and respect and independence . If we glance at the result of public examination we reveal that the rank and the percentage of the girls is superior. If women can run home efficiently, they can manage the affairs of the state with the same procession.Women do not lag behind men in any sphere.
The rise in the standard of living is possible when women supplement the incomes of the males. National development is impossible without the whole hearted contribution and active participation of women .We can also root out the evil of male domination by reserving seats for women in parliament on the lines of reservstion in local bodies.This measure will end the marginalistion of women in the supreme policy bodies and pave the way for their emancipation,enlightment and empowerment.
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