Thursday, April 29, 2010


By: Prerna Sharma and Fiza Gupta

“Goodbyes are not forever,

Goodbyes are not the end,

They simply mean I’ll miss you,

Until we meet again.”

It was heartbreaking when we heard that Sr. Maria Christie, our beloved principal would be leaving us soon. Earlier we just thought it was a rumour but yesterday all the students and teachers bade adieus to her. Yes, it is true! Principal Sr. Maria Christie will be saying goodbye to the school she has called home for the last 7 years. As she recalled her experience she said that, past in 2003 she came to the city beautiful and entered the school with a slight fear in mind as to how will she work here. But she found God on her side encouraging her to put her fears aside and persuading her to enter into this new world.

Sister recollects her experience in Chandigarh as a challenge for her principalalship. But it is from her that we have learnt to take up challenges, no matter what the results may be and so did she. Her hard work can be clearly seen. Her idea of a new building for the primary students, the golden jubilee celebrations, the evening classes for the students, numerous new clubs and not to forget the school band, they all were a hit.

Sister Maria Christi lovingly nurtured the greens and it was in her time that the pharmaceutical garden was developed. All the decisions taken by her were with ease and clarity which were carried out meticulously. She was a charismatic and energetic principal who never let down the students and helped them in every possible way. From a small bruise to a big achievement, sister always presented us sweets. As she leaves us, she is leaving as a satisfied person and has no regrets at all.

She had worked for 2 yrs in Himachal, 3yrs in Goa and then 7 yrs in Chandigarh. Now she is again going to Goa her hometown and will be the principal of Carmel Convent High Secondary School there.

Her final message to all the Carmelites- “ Be simple as that is what makes Carmel girls special and always live up to the motto of in ‘God we Trust’”

We know that the world is round and we may meet Sister again, someday or the other. Let’s hope for the Best!!

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