While important issues such as encroachments were touched still the house kept on deviating back to their major concern: Diwali Gifts. The question stood on floor for almost three quarters of the meeting. While others were busy debating why Diwali gifts had not been distributed amongst the staff some intelligent minds still thought straight. Mr. Mukherjee finally brought the house back to agenda by demanding an explanation to the bills that had been passed but not executed. Next, Mr. Chandpuri reminded the house of the reality of the situation asking why were laws that weren’t going to be executed passed in the first place, quoting the example of the June 2007 fire laws. The issues which seemed to major concerns of the politic environment were considered for merely seconds before the council went back to dissecting the diwali issue. Chaos ensued and no sense prevailed.
The Commissioner though not thoroughly satisfied with the direction in which the meeting was heading chose to answer the questions. Keeping apace with his diplomatic strategy he silently calmed everyone down by showing his concern on the deteriorating condition of the police staff and further by adding that necessary steps shall be taken on behalf of the commissions to tackle encroachment problems. He assured everyone that diwali gifts had not been distributed since their feasibility was matter of great concern.
All in all maybe if our leaders wish maintain their positions on the board then it is high time they start considering issues that will help us as well instead of continually deliberating on selfish trivialities such as diwali gifts.
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