Friday, November 7, 2008



Loss may mean the world to every person on this earth, but to me it has come to mean an entirely different thing. Loss for me stands on a completely different level than pain or anything else associated with loss.
Loss for me is the losing of identities, of that something which makes it difficult for you to understand what this world is all about, of being afraid of being simple and sweet, innocent and understanding.
I wonder at times whether I’m actually made for this world, for even though I understand I do not feel it enough, for even though I know it seems I do not know at all. It feels at times I am too naïve to survive in this world, too confused to know and accept my identity. Perhaps if I had a second chance, but then this is life, you don’t get second chances.
Maybe this is life, the search of identities and beings, of seeing loss as the road to the real you, because at times you have to lose something to get it back. Till loss persists, the search for your identity goes on; maybe loss isn’t so bad after all.
Loss for me has come to mean a search. A search for the real me.

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