Step towards your Dream College!
A career counseling session was held on 6th May,2010 for class 12 in Carmel Convent School in which they were given information on SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test).Professionals from the Manya Abroad Group in partnership with the Princeton Review gave detailed information and answered all the queries of the students.Ms.Meghna Kapur,a representative of the institute stated,''SAT is a smart test.They test the basic concepts of the students in reading,English and Maths.''Telling students about the Ivy League i.e. the top universities of the world including Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth and Stanford they also explained the admission procedure,requirements and training programmes for different universities.Mrs Mukhmani,an ex-Carmelite who is now working with the Manya Group said,''Cracking SAT is not difficult.However they put tricky questions to confuse the students as they only want those who have logic-based intelligence and not fact-based.''With the help of an interesting presentation, the representatives gave the students useful information regarding exam dates and the preparation required to get high scores.Gultash,a student of class 12 said,''I found the session very interesting and informative.The students who are thinking of applying to foreign universities will now start considering their options seriously."Along with the SAT scores the students found out about other co-curricular activities that are of relevance in applying to universities abroad.All in all the students went back with their heads full of important information and dreams of touching the sky!
Ankita Srivastava
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