1O THINGS ABOUT 10TH ..............................................................
Hello beta! Which class are you in?
Uncle, I will be going to 10th.
Oh my god!That is so sad …..DO you know that when I was in 10th , I studied all the time……….filana filana……..
Ugh……….we have all gone through that conversation with everybody we have met in the past couple of days .Starting with a sympathy and ending with endless advice. We all rush back to our room and turn up thw volume of our favourite radio station to drive away the haunting memories of the night mares we have been having since the last day of 9th when we are the junction of 9th and 10th.It was difficult for all of us to reconcile with the fact that the girls who spent all their time in dancing etcetra were now going to be only on the study table.Music would be replaced by poetic recitations;novels would be replaced by intimidating arithematic books.
The first day of 10th is still remebered by us all. Wafter the cheers of excitement and hugs all the unsurity, fear and anxiety of last night returned bringing with it new apprehensions.Just then the teacher entered and the rest is history…………………………………..
We have completed 1 month in 10th and all our initial fears seemed silly.Our life is not synonymous with just studies , though it is an extremely important segment of the 15th year of our existence.We still danc e; sing; read ;write. The difference is that now we feel responsible at the threshhold of growing up.
10t is perceived by different people in different ways. Cumulation of this diversity has always intrigued me.Divanshi remarked,”It is certainly better than 9th.Simerpreet Kaur could not agree more. Though Sanam chawla thinks that 10th is hyped and no matter what we say the pressure persisits.Ganeev further adds that because of friends 10ht is just the same as the other classes.ON the other hand Chahat says,”10th has made me responsible .Arti Goyal cheerfully added,”Its great!Though there is still pressure we still have fun.Eman, agreeing with aarti, adds,”I love 10th Iit is not half as bad as projected.”.”Gurshhen says,”It is better tha more interesting than 10th.”Deeksha explains ,”children are under constant pressure because the 10th class certificate follows you in evry venture of yours….and this is bound to have negative consequences.
On a positive note eman further remarks,”You cannot achieve something unles you love itso I have started loving mt studies.”
WE still go out and meet uncles and aunties who in unecessary concern inquire ,”How is class 1oth going, beta?” with a sadistic smile. We reciprocate, with a sheepish grin of our own and prudly declare ,”Great!!!!!!!!!!Could’nt get better.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”…………………..
Uncle, I will be going to 10th.
Oh my god!That is so sad …..DO you know that when I was in 10th , I studied all the time……….filana filana……..
Ugh……….we have all gone through that conversation with everybody we have met in the past couple of days .Starting with a sympathy and ending with endless advice. We all rush back to our room and turn up thw volume of our favourite radio station to drive away the haunting memories of the night mares we have been having since the last day of 9th when we are the junction of 9th and 10th.It was difficult for all of us to reconcile with the fact that the girls who spent all their time in dancing etcetra were now going to be only on the study table.Music would be replaced by poetic recitations;novels would be replaced by intimidating arithematic books.
The first day of 10th is still remebered by us all. Wafter the cheers of excitement and hugs all the unsurity, fear and anxiety of last night returned bringing with it new apprehensions.Just then the teacher entered and the rest is history…………………………………..
We have completed 1 month in 10th and all our initial fears seemed silly.Our life is not synonymous with just studies , though it is an extremely important segment of the 15th year of our existence.We still danc e; sing; read ;write. The difference is that now we feel responsible at the threshhold of growing up.
10t is perceived by different people in different ways. Cumulation of this diversity has always intrigued me.Divanshi remarked,”It is certainly better than 9th.Simerpreet Kaur could not agree more. Though Sanam chawla thinks that 10th is hyped and no matter what we say the pressure persisits.Ganeev further adds that because of friends 10ht is just the same as the other classes.ON the other hand Chahat says,”10th has made me responsible .Arti Goyal cheerfully added,”Its great!Though there is still pressure we still have fun.Eman, agreeing with aarti, adds,”I love 10th Iit is not half as bad as projected.”.”Gurshhen says,”It is better tha more interesting than 10th.”Deeksha explains ,”children are under constant pressure because the 10th class certificate follows you in evry venture of yours….and this is bound to have negative consequences.
On a positive note eman further remarks,”You cannot achieve something unles you love itso I have started loving mt studies.”
WE still go out and meet uncles and aunties who in unecessary concern inquire ,”How is class 1oth going, beta?” with a sadistic smile. We reciprocate, with a sheepish grin of our own and prudly declare ,”Great!!!!!!!!!!Could’nt get better.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”…………………..
1 comment:
Yeah....don't let 10th impede your education !!
You can always find time to indulge in other activities and writing is certainly one of these. I have gone through this write up and a few others and was delighted to see that some of you are writing so well.
Keep it up, I say, and this uncle is definately not going to raise his eyebrows !
All the best.
- Vipin Pubby
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