As Class IX approaches its end, this I would like to dedicate to all the people who have been more than just friends to me. Those who have supported me when I needed it most, those who've ever cared for me, those who've helped me and those who've loved me beyond recall. This I dedicate to all my friends. Even though next year we'll be together, we'll still be lost in our own personal abyss after that its up to fate if we ever meet again ( I wholly wish fate was in my hands ). This is to all those who have not contacted their friends since a long time. For you destiny has different ends try and make them meet.
I stood at altar of time,
To accept what I had done,
To regret what I hadn't done,
But the blood that coursed through my veins,
Would not be bound in chains,
The confusion was shattering,
My sanity battering.
I looked back helpless,
To see what I had become,
Even though a lot of time had passed since then,
The memories were still as bright as the sun.
Today, I stood at the top of the hill,
Looking back at those plush fields,
Remembering the day we'd met,
Those scary woods that we'd tread.
The four of us had been together,
Bridged across life's various weathers,
Helped each other through sorrow and pain,
Any effort we made never went in vain.
But then came that sad day,
We had to go...................our own way,
We cried and wept,
our eyes wet,
But we knew nothing could be done,
We remembered how we had begun,
We hoped that time would heal,
These wounds deep and surreal.
But now again I stand at the Altar of time,
To see what became mine and what couldn't be mine,
We stand across some miles apart,
The spaces that have torn us from each other part by part.
But then again,
Time played its game,
By a touch of fate,
We met....all the same.
The clouds of misery,
Around dissolved,
The blanket of confusion fell,
My problems solved.
It was a reunion,
I had always dreamt of,
But it would come to light,
I had never thought.
Once again,
I now stand at THE ALTAR OF TIME,
To rejoice, not
for what had become mine,
but, for what
Time n tide waits for none,but like u hv expressed everyone wants the time to wait ghosh... such a lovely poem simply superb!
i think dis poem srsslyy roxx..
years down d line when we guys will bump into each other..
only the memories would have kept our friendship alive..
btw hu r dese 4 of us??
$4$.....is lyk my fav number so i picked it .....nehow it's all of us....everyone i luv....all of u... thnx 4 the sweet comment... luv ya loadzz.... n don't worry v won't hav to stick 2old memories v'll keep making new ones....
the poem simply rocks..... u must be one great friend!!! i loved it and so did my friends!!
Nice.... the poems really sweet ... new beginings and old memories all make one surprise package.,........'life'...man needn't go to far to find what he want's its always right beside him.... thats what i feel .... life amuses and surprises you at all corners but you have to take supremne control...this is one poem i won't forget i read!!
<3 the poem....it's very good!! you must continue to write these sort's of poems they're a delight!!
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