My Dad in the OGs…………………
By: Pia Bakshi
“Smartly dressed in the olive green sporting a beret on the head with a stick in the right hand and numerous medals glorifying the entire attire, accompanied by an aura of authority and confidence and a spirit of patriotism”-This is how my papa would look when he would wake me up for school. This picture is engraved in my mind for, god knows how long now. Seeing my father in the whole regalia was now a routine and my day was incomplete without getting a good look of him like this; like my dad in the OGs…..
“Not to question why…….but to do or die….”My day would start and end with this saying –quintessential of an army officer; and of my dad in the OGs…………….
I remember ,how as a kid ,I would wait for papa to get back home and catch a glimpse of him in this attire before going to the park……As his gypsy would pull through the driveway, I would jump and run to open the door to be the first one to receive him. This was the highlight of my day. As he would change into his comfortable casuals, I would slip into his uniform’s shirt which in itself was like a gown for me. But none the less, I would give my million dollar smile for the pic that followed. I actually felt that I could never look better.
As I began to grow up I tasted another flavour of the army life-Papa would stay away from home for a long time. I would see all the kids with their fathers and it did prick initially but I soon realized that m y father was not with us, not out of choice but out of duty which for an army man inevitably is a choice. I soon respected this angle all the more. I still remember that when people would talk about their father, I would proudly declare that my dad is in the army; serving the nation; he is my dad in the OGs……
Then soon I witnessed one of the best and the worst part of being an army girl.
The frequent postings caused a 360% change in my life after every 2 years .From Dalhousie to Delhi; From Meerut to Gwalior, I have seen it all. This might seem like instability to an outsider. But getting to know different kinds of people- from untouched places like Dalhousie to the hip and happening crowd in Delhi,. I have seen and lived with them all. If this sounds instability then you certainly need a reality check. In the 14 years of my existence I have come across so many people that it has inculcated in me one of the best possible traits –to be Amiable and mingle up with different kinds of people with great ease. All because of my dad in the OGs……..
Another great thing about being an army kid is that you get an opportunity to live in a colony. The sense of camaraderie that follows in itself speaks volumes of its importance. Getting to learn, grow, celebrate and mourn together makes the Army family the strongest and the most bonded. I was lucky to experience it because of my dad in the OGs………….
Even now when I recall the old times, I am flooded with nostalgia. I remember how eagerly I would wait for papa to come home for his Casual Leave. Annual leave, (which was the longest), felt like bliss. The scene 24 hrs before papa’s arrival would be-Mama in the kitchen cooking papa’s favorite meal with great love and enthusiasm; my sis and I sitting in our room, diligently and with full on dedication making cards for papa; our helper would be busy in getting the home cleaned and just in the perfect condition. The anticipation and excitement on getting to see papa after such a long time was inexplicable. And then there would be a phone call. Ma would rush to get it and on the other side of the call ,one could hear papa in his deep baritone saying,” I am just 5 minutes away”. All of us, including our helper ,would rush to the door and wait………….After what seemed like hours papa would enter and we would all jump n excitement. The moment he would enter we would all bombard him with the silliest of questions which at that moment meant important. After all he had come home; my dad in the OGs……..
And in the wink of an eye the time to return would soon come by. And before we know it Papa would be gone. This was followed by tears from the side of all us but now it is easier to reconcile. People say that for an army officer his Nation comes first. But for papa both his nation and his Family were the top most priorities and I proudly say that Papa carried out responsibities on both fronts with great expertise, like a true man; my dad in the OGs…..
My papa is currently posted in Ferozepur and at the moment is home for his Annual Leave and yes! You guessed it –I am very excited.
Even if Papa is not around and even though I am staying in a civil atmosphere ,I am still an army brat; I am still the daughter of my dad in the OGs………
In case you are wondering why I am writing this then I think you need to know that today i.e. 8th December is celebrated as Armed Forces Day…Today is the day that gives these brave hearts the love and admiration they deserve; today is the day when these real life heroes get recognition for their work; Today is the day when these “dudes” are given accolades for their tremendous work.
If any of you reading this were not aware of this great day then don’t feel bad. You do not need a day to acknowledge these true men .It is an inner feeling. If you respect them and their efforts from within then you truly deserve to be one of the members of the army family.
These people, even after all their sacrifices, are left unnoticed. Not many bother to go through some article like this. But these are the men who give up their today for our tomorrow. It is time we introspect and rationalize.
Well I need to go ……………..and make this day special for my father;
my dad in the OGs……………
By: Pia Bakshi
“Smartly dressed in the olive green sporting a beret on the head with a stick in the right hand and numerous medals glorifying the entire attire, accompanied by an aura of authority and confidence and a spirit of patriotism”-This is how my papa would look when he would wake me up for school. This picture is engraved in my mind for, god knows how long now. Seeing my father in the whole regalia was now a routine and my day was incomplete without getting a good look of him like this; like my dad in the OGs…..
“Not to question why…….but to do or die….”My day would start and end with this saying –quintessential of an army officer; and of my dad in the OGs…………….
I remember ,how as a kid ,I would wait for papa to get back home and catch a glimpse of him in this attire before going to the park……As his gypsy would pull through the driveway, I would jump and run to open the door to be the first one to receive him. This was the highlight of my day. As he would change into his comfortable casuals, I would slip into his uniform’s shirt which in itself was like a gown for me. But none the less, I would give my million dollar smile for the pic that followed. I actually felt that I could never look better.
As I began to grow up I tasted another flavour of the army life-Papa would stay away from home for a long time. I would see all the kids with their fathers and it did prick initially but I soon realized that m y father was not with us, not out of choice but out of duty which for an army man inevitably is a choice. I soon respected this angle all the more. I still remember that when people would talk about their father, I would proudly declare that my dad is in the army; serving the nation; he is my dad in the OGs……
Then soon I witnessed one of the best and the worst part of being an army girl.
The frequent postings caused a 360% change in my life after every 2 years .From Dalhousie to Delhi; From Meerut to Gwalior, I have seen it all. This might seem like instability to an outsider. But getting to know different kinds of people- from untouched places like Dalhousie to the hip and happening crowd in Delhi,. I have seen and lived with them all. If this sounds instability then you certainly need a reality check. In the 14 years of my existence I have come across so many people that it has inculcated in me one of the best possible traits –to be Amiable and mingle up with different kinds of people with great ease. All because of my dad in the OGs……..
Another great thing about being an army kid is that you get an opportunity to live in a colony. The sense of camaraderie that follows in itself speaks volumes of its importance. Getting to learn, grow, celebrate and mourn together makes the Army family the strongest and the most bonded. I was lucky to experience it because of my dad in the OGs………….
Even now when I recall the old times, I am flooded with nostalgia. I remember how eagerly I would wait for papa to come home for his Casual Leave. Annual leave, (which was the longest), felt like bliss. The scene 24 hrs before papa’s arrival would be-Mama in the kitchen cooking papa’s favorite meal with great love and enthusiasm; my sis and I sitting in our room, diligently and with full on dedication making cards for papa; our helper would be busy in getting the home cleaned and just in the perfect condition. The anticipation and excitement on getting to see papa after such a long time was inexplicable. And then there would be a phone call. Ma would rush to get it and on the other side of the call ,one could hear papa in his deep baritone saying,” I am just 5 minutes away”. All of us, including our helper ,would rush to the door and wait………….After what seemed like hours papa would enter and we would all jump n excitement. The moment he would enter we would all bombard him with the silliest of questions which at that moment meant important. After all he had come home; my dad in the OGs……..
And in the wink of an eye the time to return would soon come by. And before we know it Papa would be gone. This was followed by tears from the side of all us but now it is easier to reconcile. People say that for an army officer his Nation comes first. But for papa both his nation and his Family were the top most priorities and I proudly say that Papa carried out responsibities on both fronts with great expertise, like a true man; my dad in the OGs…..
My papa is currently posted in Ferozepur and at the moment is home for his Annual Leave and yes! You guessed it –I am very excited.
Even if Papa is not around and even though I am staying in a civil atmosphere ,I am still an army brat; I am still the daughter of my dad in the OGs………
In case you are wondering why I am writing this then I think you need to know that today i.e. 8th December is celebrated as Armed Forces Day…Today is the day that gives these brave hearts the love and admiration they deserve; today is the day when these real life heroes get recognition for their work; Today is the day when these “dudes” are given accolades for their tremendous work.
If any of you reading this were not aware of this great day then don’t feel bad. You do not need a day to acknowledge these true men .It is an inner feeling. If you respect them and their efforts from within then you truly deserve to be one of the members of the army family.
These people, even after all their sacrifices, are left unnoticed. Not many bother to go through some article like this. But these are the men who give up their today for our tomorrow. It is time we introspect and rationalize.
Well I need to go ……………..and make this day special for my father;
my dad in the OGs……………
...i think this is definately one of your best articles till date coz its nt just an article bt a link dat has been flooded with emotions...
i hvnt encountered 2 many army officers i think yr dad being the first one..
Uncle i would just like to thank you a lot for this great service of yours to the nation...
Very nice and an emotional note straight from the heart of a lil girl....reflecting the struggle to cope with changes and emerging 'victorious' therefrom... the true trait of an army officer and the values they inculcate in their kids. I can feel this more as being your uncle I have been part of many of the described moments...and I am sure that simple things as - feeling tremendous amount of joy on coming home on vacation is a thing which many a kids living with their dads do not know. It is equally important for all countrymen to know about the sacrifice 'these men in OG" make on every count to give their country a secure environment...It indeed is a blessing and one needs to be thankful to 'men in OG' for that..
A request to netizens - pls imagine yourself as 'little girl' who has penned down this note and you will get the feeling with which it is written....
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