Tuesday, November 25, 2008

M 'n' M ('M'eeting the 'M'ayor)

WHOPIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is how we the students of the reporters’ club replied to this new venture of ours.We had gotten the oppurtunity to interview the mayor and yes it definitely was something that we were looking forward to .our liason was going on on for a long time but finally that day the mission was accomplished.We set out all geared up to bombard him with our questions.
All five of us, namely Archita, Deeksha, Kashish, Urvashi, Jannat, Ma’am and I sat in the car. I was completely sandwiched but honestly speaking I did’nt really care.I was anyways too happy to notice any of the minor loopholes.I sat in the car rehearsing and we could all feel our excitement crossing all bounds.We were practically jumping in our seats until the time we realized that we should spare the poor car.
And after what seemed like the longest drive of my life, we reached the MUNICIPAL CORPORATION office.We had our new member JANNAT THAPAR, as our official photographer cum reporter who was geared up for her first day at work.As soon as we stepped down she was ready with her camera and we were ready to pose.We went inside and met Gaurav Sir who is a senior reporter from Dainik Bhaskar.After a briefing by sir we all went upstairs to see the office.
At first glance we found the building to be imposing but later as we stepped in we loosened up.Afte all we were reporters and were no less than any other person in the office premises at that time…… ummm ……………..atleast at that moment we thought so.
“The mayor is on his way and should be joining us shortly”said his PR consultant and that is the time we actually got a feel of it;that is the time we realized that we are in a government office;that is the time we understood that this is the place where all the serious business takes place.
We were taken to see a presentation on their latest project SCADA.It felt great to be one of the earliest members to be able to see and understand it.After this briefing we went to the mayor’s office .The office had something about it ;something that made it special;something that made you want to be here.
We saw his table-a lamp , a pile of files a calendar and a picture of Saibaba-at once we got an idea of his true personality.We seated ourselves on the comfortable couches and waited for the moment .
And then came the Mayor,Mr.Pradeep Chabbra,the first thing that struck my mind when I saw him was that he looks to nice and sweet to be a politician and this forming the base of our second question.
But before we could start the mayor jestingly asked us if the questions were difficult. This broke the ice and then the first question was asked by me regarding his childhood.To this he replied,”My childhood has been very difficult.I lost my father at the age of 14.So life has been full of struggles for me.I am a self made man.”
Deeksha took on from here and asked,”Sir, politics has always been perceived as the most corrupt field.What is your take on that?”He said that each and every field is corrupt but the problem is that the corruption is publicised whereas the goodness is not even considered.”
Then Kashish asked him what he would do if he became the prime minister of the country.He wittily replied,” I am a ambitious, not over ambitious.”
And with that we ended our tete'-a-tete' with the Mayor of the city beautiful.
We came out of the building feeling a sense of accomplishment that yes,we have achieved what we wanted.We got to know and learn a lot about the mayor and from the mayor.Hearing everything from the horse’s mouth in itself was a great feeling.As I sat in the back seat of the car ,I realized my experience at the MC office and believe me this was the first time I felt like a REPORTER in the true sense and essence of the word.

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